Thursday 5 November 2015

Arrival in Sydney

It rained on us when we were coming to Sydney. I didn't vomit but the girls did!
Almost there now, Bondi Beach in the background.
Here is a video (with soundtrack provided live by Katherine and EV) of a bit of sailing after the girls got over their sickness...

Katherine with Bondi Beach in the background
Entering Sydney Harbour. North Head under the boom.

Sailing up the harbour in the rain. First sight of the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge for us kids.
In the rain we first thought this was a tug with a barge, then we realised it was Fort Denison

Dad at the helm watching out for all the ferries. Clark Island and Rose Bay in the background.
Mum at the helm, with that funny white building in the background.

We anchored near the Sydney Opera House and had lunch.
Lunch view

Some other people were out for lunch in the rain too - while they watched some horse race. We think their boat is really ugly!

Meander's Melbourne Cup Sweepstake
Dad and EV took a selfie at lunchtime. Downtown Sydney in the background.
we saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Then we went under the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We saw people on it.

We saw Luna Park.
we saw Luna Park

We anchored in Black Wattle Bay and went for a walk to the Sydney Fish Market and Darling Harbour where we saw a black submarine and some old square rigged ships.

Going under the ANZAC bridge near the Sydney Fish Market
Meander at anchor in Blackwattle Bay with several live-aboard cruisers from around the world.

After dinner we watched Jurrassic Park. It was a good movie, no one had nightmares (except Katherine who had one about Barney the Dinosaur)! My favourite section of the movie was when the toilet walls fell down and the man got eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

By Arthur!!


  1. the film review is a classic!


  2. Lovely photos even in the rain. Arthur's humour is understandable .. toilet walls falling down, although I'm not too sure about the man being eaten. - Love Nana
