Monday 16 March 2015

Platapus House

On wednesday we went to the platypus house. We got to see real platypus .Then we walked in a room where there were three ecidnas. They sat at our feet and sucked at bowls of slop. They had long tongues. I loved the tour.
Platypus skeleton
Platypus swimming
Some things we learned were:
EV and Arthur keeping and eye on the platypus
1. They have milk pads instead of nipples.
2. Girls spurs are not poisonous.
3. They go on the land.
4. The dads can kills their children if they don't leave home at the right time.
5. When they are old enough child platypus can swim and hunt without their mothers teaching them.
6. Bubbles come out of their tails when they dive because of the layers of air in their tail.
Echidna eating out of a cup
1. Tassie ones are furrier than those found on the mainland.
2. They have long tongues.
3. They can die of shock.
4. They can lose their spikes.
5. They can eat out of cups with their long tongues.
6. People try to dig them out in their yard so most rescued echidnas have their snouts chopped off. DO NOT TRY TO DIG UP ECHIDNAS.
Stuffed echidna
If you are intresterd in finding out more go to

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